Saturday, April 25, 2009

paying your mortgage with your credit card without the cash advance fees.

When you pay your mortgage, you write a check out every month to your mortgage lender, and that's the end of the story. You gain nothing and go through this for 12 months a year, for 30 years. What if you could gain something? Thank your credit card for this and for this.

What if you could gain at least something except a simple thank you? Well now you can. If you go to, this site gives you cash without borrowing from your credit card at the cash advance fee. You select the amount of your mortgage and buy a cash gift for the amount. For example my mortgage is $2000 dollars, so I would buy a $2000 cash gift. For this they charge $210 dollars. So your total would be 2210. This is significantly less than the cash advance fee you would get plus the apr your credit card would charge you.

Once you do this, just wait for your check to come through the mail. Depending on the shipping option, usually comes within 2- 3 days. At the end of the month you will have a charge for 2210 on your card that you can pay which includes your grace period. If you had done this through your credit card, you would not have had a grace period and would have been accumulating interest as soon as you got the cash.

Wait for your credit card statement to come through the mail and just pay it. Your total charge will be $2210. In my case at least. Now I am gaining 26520 points on my card per year which i can cash in for travel or cash back rewards. If I had just done this through my normal checking account, I don't gain anything, just a "Thank you for your payment".

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